Monday, August 11, 2014


I give you up.

It's time.

After all of this.

All of these crazy thoughts keyed here over the past year and a half.

I give you up.

I'm setting sail.

Maybe our paths will cross again someday.

I would like that. I hope that they do. I hope we will be friends forever.

Because you're the only one, despite how much you've caused me pain

You're the only one I have ever trusted on this level.

Because you caused me pain. Because you gave me the truth.

And because I didn't always open my mouth, but I opened my heart to you.

That doesn't even have to be in a romantic sense.

Just from one human to another, I opened my heart to you. In a way I've never done before.

I hope someday we will be a part of each others' lives.

You are the only one in my entire life who, when they said the words "you will be okay,"

the hurt subsided, and I took a breath, and I immediately believed them.

I trust you that deeply.

To know that you don't idly throw words around.

I believe everything you say to me on the deepest level I've ever known.

And if you tell me I'm going to be okay,

Then Okay. I will be.

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