Friday, April 24, 2015

The promise

I never really understood before. I thought I might.

I do now. Or at least, I understand what I don't understand.

I vow to become someone you can trust.

Even if I never see you again.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Dear you

I know I said I wouldn't write again, not about you. But this is the real ending, this time.

And I can't help but think anything but this:

I can't imagine a world without you. It's as if someone told me that the world no longer had oceans, and that I needed to pretend there never had been any, all along. The world and its oceans. Something that just belongs in something else. Someone. Now, I'm just left wishing I'd sent out more messages in bottles, when I had the chance.

"Hello? Oh, there you are. I just wasn't sure if you were real."