Friday, January 4, 2019


Okay, I definitely am picking up what you're throwing down. Don't worry. I'm gettin it.
You won't have to have any awkward conversations. I'm sure you were hoping for that.

I don't know if I really want to see you anymore.
When we first started hanging out you were acting boyfriendy and smitten as hell.
Then out of nowhere you just gave me that speech about wanting something casual and went silent on me after that. No communicado.

The thing is, I can do casual. I can do fwb. I can even do fuck buddy. But the problem I have with you is that I don't know you at all. I don't really know anything about who you are or what you're like. That takes a lot more time than there's been. And in order for me to have any kind of relationship with someone, even if it's a fuck buddy, there has to be some level of trust there. I have to trust that that person isn't going to fuck somebody else without protection and then do the same thing with me without getting tested first. I have to trust that someone isn't going to put me in a position where I feel uncomfortable. The list goes on, in that vein.

You can't really trust somebody that you don't know. But the only way that you can at least feel pretty comfortable about the situation, if you don't know that person, is if their behavior has been consistent. And you haven't been so good at that. You went from fourth to first gear in one second flat with no real explanation. You said what you wanted and changed gears, but you didn't say why your behavior had been one thing and was suddenly something completely different, and you didn't explain why you'd stopped talking to me. Nothing. I can't trust or feel comfortable with someone like that. I don't know your intentions and that behavior makes me think maybe you don't know either. I'm not comfortable with that.

So that's where I'm at. Right now you're looking a lot like a bullet I want to dodge.

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