Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Well. I made a fucking list.

Reasons why this is actually a good thing:

1. He's a drug dealer
2. He doesn't really have any skills besides being a drug dealer and he never finished college, and
3. He isn't careful about things at all and will most likely get caught at some point. I mean, he got a fucking DUI, his license is suspended. And still the other day he had 3 or 4 big drinks at Mimosa's when you went for brunch and you offered to drive because you hadn't had so much as a sip of one drink, and he declined. He drove after drinking a bunch on a suspended license, literally for no reason, with a sober licensed driver who was willing to drive in the front seat. He could have lost everything. He just doesn't think, or he doesn't care, or something.
4. He wants to have a shit load of kids and you don't, especially because
5. You don't want to be the baby mama to a drug dealer who is in prison for who knows how long and end up a single mom taking care of a bunch of kids in the country. Like holy shit you've worked so hard to be independent and financially stable/well off, why would you risk everything you've ever worked for. Maybe Scott can do this his whole life and not get caught but that's because Scott is careful. Tunny is the exact opposite of careful, he's a total drama queen.
6. You don't even know for sure whether you want kids or not
7. He says shit like "I wasn't meant to be a killer" when breaking up with you, which is so childish, like are you a twelve year old watching gangster movies? What the fuck? lol
8. The strip club obsession
9. He's really easily influenced by other people and will do things he doesn't necessarily want to do just so people think highly of him / so people will think he's cool. You can't depend on someone like that
10. He avoids all of his problems instead of learning to face them. Including you
11. He's self centered. It's all about "would you consider moving out to the country" "Would you want to have kids" "this this this" "that that that" and never once did he say he would be willing to give anything up to be with you. It was all about "here's my dream and my vision, are you willing to change the shape of yourself to fit into my puzzle." He never once thought about giving anything of his up to fit into your dreams or life. He sees himself as the protagonist and he's looking for a sidekick. That's all.
12. He's an alcoholic

I'm going to add more as I go because this is actually really helpful.

Look. I know there's a lot of things about him that work really well for you. He's fun, he's personable, he's outgoing, he's very kind, and he's funny, and he's thoughtful, and he's gracious and appreciative and protective and loving. There's a lot of good things. I get that. But look. He is not the only man in the world who is those things. You can and you will find someone who has those qualities without you worrying about sacrificing your freedom to support their dreams when they don't even treat those dreams, or you, with care. If you go along with this and stick by him, aware of all of that, then that makes you just as careless as he is. And you're not. You're not careless at all. You know I'm right.

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